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The ECPME Team


Dr Laurinda Lomas

I am a lecturer in Early Childhood  and Primary Mathematics and Science at Macquarie University. I have more than 25 years experience as a teacher, executive and mathematics professional learning leader in schools and across systems. My PhD explored the impact of innovative approaches to teaching, including the principles of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) from the Netherlands. I am passionate about supporting early years educators  and primary teachers to identify opportunities which meaningfully explore mathematics.


Chelsea Cutting

I am a Lecturer in Mathematics and Science Education at the University of South Australia. I have over 14 years experience teaching in classrooms, including ELC-Primary Numeracy Coordination roles. I am passionate about early childhood education.  My research interests involve examining the role spatial reasoning plays in young children’s mathematical and scientific understandings. I recently completed my PhD which found that spatial reasoning plays an important role in how young children understand and extended range of early fraction ideas.


Belinda Trewartha

I am an Early Childhood Education Specialist with a broad knowledge base and experience spanning thirty years, both within Australia and internationally. Currently I lecture in Early Childhood Education at The University of South Australia, specialising in Maths and Science. I am also interested in digital pedagogy, authentic assessment and culturally responsive practices. Making Mathematics accessible to all, including anxious parents and educators, is the key to engaging and exciting young children about all things mathematical and scientific. With this in mind, I am currently undertaking an Educational Doctorate investigating authentic assessment in early years mathematics.

Image by Huu Thong

We are excited to be working together to support early childhood and primary educators, including parents.


We are constantly wondering about and fascinated with teaching and learning mathematics and would like to inspire you to do the same. Mathematics wasn't our first love but as we learnt more, we appreciated its potential for creative thought and application.  Once you put your mathematical lenses on, it is amazing what you will see!


Some of our articles focus on mathematical concepts, assisting you to refine or revise your own understanding. As mathematics is full of patterns and relationships, we relate these concepts to each other as much as possible. 

Mathematics is everywhere so we have articles that provide inspiration and advice about integrating it into everyday experiences with children.

We are always using our practical knowledge as a driver, considering what we have seen, done and learnt to compose helpful hints and stories.


We design this site in our own time and voluntarily - it is our passion project. 


We are excited for you to join us in our journey together, welcome to our team.

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