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Image by Martin Adams

Early multiplication and division


For young children, consideration of the concept of multiplication starts with putting objects into groups. These groups need to have the same amount of that object. Multiplication problems can also be represented by rates, scale and combinations. These are addressed in later primary years but the foundational understandings are laid in early conversations and opportunities to explore multiplication (McDonald & Rafferty, 2018).


While children often have many informal lived experiences related to addition, subtraction, and division, it is unlikely they have had much need to group items (Siemon, et al., 2017). The concept of groups or grouping, therefore, won't necessarily be an intuitive one. Children may have been asked to get into a group, or walk in a group, but this is not generally connected to multiplicative thinking.


Children will need scaffolded experiences to understand that grouping requires putting the same amount of objects into each collection. Application of this process relies on children being able to count collections and understand the concept of cardinality (the last number said is the total of the group). 


Using materials that are close to hand and connected to a child's world will help them make sense of the early concept of grouping. This may include food, toys, natural materials, items of clothing (i.e. pairs of shoes), or themselves. Copying and creating repeating patterns with objects, sounds, and/or body movements provides an opportunity to talk about the group of elements that is repeating. Generating story problems from immediate or imaginative contexts will connect the concept of grouping with children's play. Asking and assisting children to get into "groups of 2" or "groups of 3" will reinforce the need for the same amount in each group.

Pairs are one of the first types of grouping children may be familiar with - they are groups of 2. Shoes and socks, then, could be a good place to start a conversation about groups.​ Finding a scaffold to help define a group of discrete items is helpful. This could be a plate, a hoop, a container - anything that helps define the boundary of the group. At these early stages, it is the creation of equal groups and reasoning about these that is important.


How many groups? How many in each group?

Multiplication is counting based on composite units (putting parts together to make a new unit). To think multiplicatively we need to simultaneously consider how many groups, and how many in each group. 


Let's think about what that looks like.

This picture shows three groups of smiley faces. There are four smiley faces in each group. We would describe this as 3 groups of 4. The 3 tells us how many groups, the 4 tells us how many are in each group (or how much). This would later be described as three-4s.








It is important to note that even when children are able to create the 'groups of', they will generally start solving the question of 'how many altogether' by counting in 1s to count all of the items. That is, they will count the first group of 4 in ones, then go on to the second group, adding by ones each time.


Counting in composite units is more efficient than counting in 1s. For example, it is more efficient for me to count the smiley above faces in composite groups of 4. I could do this by repeated addition, which would be 4 + 4 + 4. Or I could solve it by skip counting 4, 8, 12. Both of these strategies are more efficient than counting in 1s. 


Eventually I may have some fluency with my number facts and use a more efficient strategy like doubling to work out the total of the first two groups above, i.e. 4 and 4, then count on in ones from this total to include the last group of 4 to get a total of 12. 


Multiplication and division - the important relationship

Multiplication and division are related. They are what we call inverse operations, meaning one 'undoes' the other. For example 4 x 5 = 20 so 20 ÷ 5 = 4. 


Building on children's lived experiences and the informal language associated with division of a whole can start with conversations about sharing fairly. It might occur when sharing with one other person, which is dividing by 2 or halving. It might be occur when there is a given quantity of food (say biscuits or pieces of fruit) and there is a discussion about how to divide this whole into equal shares, and what might be done with any left over (Siemon et al., 2017). It can be helpful to have a scaffold that helps define the division, like plates to divide food onto, keeping in mind that each group needs to have the same in it until no more equal partitioning can be done.


In division problems we are considering the whole group first, then how we are going to divide it.


This might require partitioning into equal groups if we know how many groups there are.

If I had 15 strawberries and I knew there were 5 plates to share them on to, I have to split my 15 strawberries into an equal number of parts (onto the 5 plates). 

I don't yet know how many strawberries people will get.

I might put a strawberry on each plate to start this sharing then keep going until I have used all my strawberries. 


Or it might require repeated subtraction if we know how many are in each group.

If I have 12 apples and I want to give 3 to each person. I don't yet know how many people I can give 3 apples to before my 12 apples are all gone.

I don't know how many groups this will be. 

So I repeatedly subtract or takeaway 3 apples from my 12, I divide the 12 into 3s, until they are all gone or I can't give another person exactly 3 (this would mean there are some left over).


The relationship between multiplication and division and the language associated with both of these concepts should be emphasised before formal symbols are introduced (Downton, 2013). This language would include: count, equal groups, groups of, in each group, share equally, partition, divide, how many, how much, repeated addition, skip counting, doubling, halving, pattern.


Provocations with potential.

If we are considering noticing equal grouping of items and ways to count them, stimulus pictures or recounts of realistic contexts where grouping will occur will generate much mathematical discussion. These opportunities can also be taken intentionally when reading all kinds of picture books, they don't have to be "mathematics books" - here is an opportunity to put on our mathematics lenses.

Naturally-occurring or planned conversations about going to a fruit or bread shop where items are bagged in certain quantities is an opportunity to talk about repeated sets of items and their total, or a large quantity of items divided into small equal sets (with or without some left over).


Finding texts that provoke a need to create groups or divide a group of items equally can be assistive in explorations about multiplication and division.

A text that is commonly recommended in relation to sharing a whole is The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins (Mulberry, 1989). 












Generating repeating patterns with young children provides a context to notice and consider grouping of items during conversations about its elements. For example, a simple pattern that could be made with coloured blocks:



The part of this pattern that repeats is BLUE RED GREEN. So far in this pattern, this group of elements has repeated 4 times so there are 12 blocks in this pattern.

Identifying the group of items that repeats can be challenging for young children so putting some string or drawing around the group BLUE RED GREEN can help make it more apparent. 



Connections to the Early Years Learning Framework 2.0

While we acknowledge that mathematical thinking can be represented across EYLF2.0 Outcomes, the most closely connected indicators for educators related to exploration of the concept of multiplication and division seem to be:

Outcome 4 - Children are confident and involved learners. Our role as educators is to:

  • model mathematical and scientific language, e.g. count out loud and point out patterns

  • join in children’s play and model reasoning, predicting and reflecting processes and language 

  • intentionally scaffold children’s understandings, including description of strategies for approaching problems

Outcome 5 - Children are effective communicators. Our role as educators is to:

  • include real-life resources to promote children’s use of mathematical language


Connections to the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics V9

In first year of formal schooling, children are provided with many opportunities to investigate equal sharing and grouping, representing these situations with hands on materials, and using counting or subitising strategies to find out how many AC9MFN06


In their second year of school, children start to solve realistic problems that require them to use equal sharing and grouping stratgeies, representing these problems with diagrams, and/or practical materials. They are still using counting or subitising strategies to solve the problem AC9M1N06


Around the third year of schooling, children build on their subitising and counting strategies, using repeated addition, equal grouping, arrays and partitioning to solve multiplication and division problems AC9M2N05




Downton, A. P. (2013). Making connections between multiplication and division. In V. Steinle, L. Ball, & C. Bardini (Eds.), Mathematics Education: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Proceedings of the 36th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (Vol. 1, pp. 242 - 249). Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA).

McDonald, A. & Rafferty, J. (2018). Investigating Science, Mathematics and Technology in Early Childhood. Oxford

Siemon, D., Beswick, K., Brady, K., Clarke, J., Faragher, R. & Warren, E. (2017). Teaching Mathematics: Foundations to Middle Years. Oxford

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