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Image by Alexander Schimmeck

It's about Time 

Time is an interesting abstract idea. We can't see, hear or touch it, but we can measure it. Cultures and contexts across the world think about and value it differently. Considering all these complexities and variables, it is important for us to know how we might assist children gain a deep understanding of time. In this section we will use the framework offered by the research of Thomas et al. (2023). This framework addresses four key components: Awareness of time, Succession, Duration, and Measurement of Time (Thomas et al. 2023). We link associated knowledge and understandings and possible ways we can promote relational rather than rote understanding of time. We also look at relevant sections of the EYLF2.0 (AGDE, 2022) and Australian Curriculum: Mathematics V9 (ACARA, n.d.).

Image by Jeremiah Lawrence

Conversations and considerations about time dominate our lives. From a very young age children are thinking about and asking 'when' things will be happen, and 'how long' something will take. 

In this section we look at the four key components of time proposed by Thomas et al. (2023), how they relate to the experiences of young children, and their presence in the EYLF2.0 and AC:M V9.

This section is being written and will be ready soon.

It follows from the first section Teaching about time in the early years (above).


Teaching clock time 

This section is being written and will be ready soon.

It builds on the section Teaching Clock time - a linear model which follows on from the first section Teaching about time in the early years (above).

Quick facts

1000 milliseconds = 1 second

60 seconds  = 1 minute

60 minutes = 1 hour

24 hours = 1 day

365 days = 1 year

366 days = 1 leap year (4 x 365 1/4 )


10 years = 1 decade

10 decades = 1 century

10 centuries = 1 millenium

Some nice patterns there!

timey wimey.png

Couldn't help it - had to have Dr Who's version of time in there too!

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